Tag Archives: #2013

To be remembered, Or To be forgotten


As Life progress, and what was once known begins to fade. Many begin to find themselves alone and wonder should they be remembered or forgotten.

Those that choose to be remembered feel as if they turn down a dark path of constant change. They feel as if they lose themselves, but realize when they think its too late and they can’t go on they are really found.

Through out the tears, pain, smiles, break-ups and make-ups, they grow into beautiful creatures that can create, manipulate,and love unconditionally.

While those that choose to be forgotten face the same dark path and learn a different view of life. To control, or be controlled. The same losing of one self takes place on this path, and there is also a finding that tends to motivate them to lose themselves all over again.

Their love is cold, but also unconditional.

There is no wrong path to choose from. We’re all given the choice to be remembered or forgotten. The choices don’t make anyone better than the other. At the end of each journey we’re all still human. The two paths are what keep humanity in existence, one can’t live without the other.

-Krystle Mitchell

On the Balcony

As I sit on my balcony and watch as families load their cars, and go off into the world I yearn for that love. Before I was all about having sperm-donated kids, handling everything on my own, and being happy. I’m tired of being alone and I actually want a significant other. I know one day I will have one, and it will be fulfilling because I’ve awaken from my selfishness, and starting to accept my desires of being wanted and wanting some one else.

As young adults we get so caught up in needing to accomplish something before we can pursue our own desires. To-Do lists, goals, plans, and strategies are constantly on our minds when we should just go with the flow. Now I don’t mean turning right because it feels good, or going left because there was a spark that enlightened your ego. I need you, us, we as young adults (and that is everyone 21 and older), to go with their first thought, accept the answer to the questions you ask, and believe. Now for some going with their first thought is a little difficult because it is probably out of your nature, especially when your trying to break through a certain time, or experience in your life, but allowing your self to change and trust yourself will eventually show better results. Take it slow when starting the process of evolution.

The door is not lit up, nor is it dark, its neutral all around. Once the door closes behind you there will be a sense of calmness that you may have not experienced, but that is the first step of acknowledging the presence of God and his needs for you.


-Krystle Mitchell, 2013-

Bomb Threat!

I do not talk about things that are broad cast on the news, but this has grabbed my attention and I really want to get this off my head.

We as the human race are all bored souls that seem to have lost a sense of control. Many people may not agree with me, but for once I would like for my readers to think about this.
Why would you want to shake up a nation of people? Yes there is a history that was terribly sad, but that’s in the past.
A nuclear threat to the United States because of who knows what. Is it to grasp the Americans attention, or is it to teach the world to fear the Koreans? Everyone is trying to survive unfortunately we are all on the same planet. Some think they are higher than others, and even a different species, but at the end of every night, and each waking hour we as humans are all trying to do one thing on this planet and that is to survive whether your brainwashed or not.
Today we’re hear and the quench of a button we would all be gone tomorrow. Then what is the purpose of all of the progress we have made in trying to save the planet, thinking of new ways to change the world. Bringing peace on earth and helping others. Is, or was it all just a waste to come to this point in our lives to say,” hey we screwed up so let’s just blow each other away?”
What if there is no other species out there, and there was no God do we just fade into extinction and evolve into whatever else or is it just a dream? We think what we do is important, but really means nothing to the universe, heavens or whatever you refer to the unknown as.

-Krystle Mitchell 2013

Who? What? When? How? And Why?


I hate answering questions, but without them others won’t know who? what? when? or why? you should even be considered in life. Some run away from those questions, and allow life to pass them by, then there are those that run towards them because they need a reminder of why they matter, and get a kick out off bragging to others. Then there’s the individuals that enjoy asking. Those that enjoy asking are usually found in coffee shops, bookstores, running, or at home thinking about better questions to ask.

I don’t ask questions, and I don’t enjoy answering them. All my life I’ve always received answers to questions I never asked verbally, and that creeps me out. Now that my life is changing I’m practicing the art of asking people questions.

Should I write about?

-Krystle Mitchell

I use to think

As time goes by
Life changes
And new things are created
I use to think life was all about falling in love and living happily ever after
When the trees blow
Leaves change
The sun rise and set
And the waves crash
I use to think that each moment in life was guaranteed to last forever
When people die
And babies are born
I use to think it was to keep the world interesting

Now that I know that nothing lasts forever
It eventually changes with time
New rules develop
New species
Humans evolve
Life is a slow constant change
Each morning we wake up a new person
We are never the same
With a simple thought, or action we can change our lives with the snap of our finger if chosen

-Krystle Mitchell

People come and go

Heartbreaks, love, smiles, and tears.
Aa humans we get all caught up in words that stroke our egos. We yearn to be needed. Longing for forever is our number one dream. Many individuals don’t like to face reality. Most like to just live in the moment. As a young adult life changes daily. No longer is there time to waste in this day in age, year, minute, or hour we must do what makes us happy. Learn to accept things that make us sad.
As I look at my peers I see a lot of them are not even 30 and they’re already angry about how their lives have turned out. When I entered this phase in my life I was scared because I wasn’t like my old friends and I was afraid of my new ones. Now that im in the moment I realize that my life is just beginning I can still live out all of my dreams, I can still believe, heartbreaks, love, smiles, and tears are apart of life. Hell its what keeps it interesting. So I’m coming down to earth and challenging my fears. I will not give up, and a difference is what I will make in peoples’ lives until its the end of my time.
I guess what I am really trying to say as a 23 year old is if your alive you should realize no matter the struggle or situation your in at the end of the day life is, and will be, great because every encounter has its lesson.Every tear has its reason. Every smile has a testimony. Each heartbreak is healed with growth. As for love its just like people it comes and go unless you know the love you have for yourself then it is actually with you forever

-Krystle Mitchell

I write for PEOPLE

People are very interesting. From the way they look to the way they are created. Many think they are the best thing that has ever happened to this earth. Some think they are the worst. Half don’t know why they are here, and the other half could care-less. Overall people try to define themselves some way or another.

From clothes, material items, and the place they are located. People i’m at a lost of words.

Theres a message that I want all people to know, but it can’t be expressed, so i’ll paint a picture, or make a film, hell i’ll even just wear it on my body.

I think what I’m trying to say is that people are unaware of what they are truely capable of, and many will get hurt because of their ignorance. There is only a matter of time for them to wake up, and the message will be long lost.

The people are who I write for. I don’t write to bring them down. I damn sure don’t write to bring them up, but I write to keep them aware of how to survive, imagine, love, and be happy. The only way is to continue to exist.

(This blog is an answer I tried to write about in my previous blog.)

-Krystle Mitchell

Good Morning

Phones ringing, and the sun is shining through the window. Another day with potential to learn something new, or create. Plans are never made in my life unless its by a job that I try to maintain to pretend I’m normal for a strange sake. Enough with that because now I’m awake.

The job didn’t need me today, so that is a blessing in disguise because now I have time to see what I can do for others that may cross my path. Maybe I’ll go for a run. The girls said we should get our nails done, but I always force myself to believe I’m saving my money for something.

Life can do that to you, ya know. Send you through a door that you would never really go through, but have no choice because all the others are closed. Then once you fall for the room and never want to leave it snatches away from you only, so you can learn one thing about yourself, and that is you can do whatever you possibly dreamed if you just believe.

Now about my day I usually just go with the flow. I think today I’ll ask, so I can receive. I hardly ask for any ones help but today I’ll humble myself and allow someone else to take the lead. That way I’ll learn something new, and I’ll try something I never even thought of because its a good morning, and I have nothing to do but float along with the clouds above

-Krystle Mitchell

Half Alive

In another home, but not far from my own

I’m half alive as I get use to my new life

I let go of my past, and decided to forgive the last

In this new world, I enjoy

Looking at people in a different light

I love

I am now half alive

It will only be a matter of time until I’m completely alive

Until that day I’ll continue to sway back and forth

I’ll continue to write, and dream

I’ll check up on those I love, and give advice

Half alive

One will ask is the other half dead, and the answer is no

The other half is creating images for those of the future to continue on our existence

-Krystle Mitchell