All About Krytle


Krystle Mitchell has kept a personal journal for a numerous amount of years, but she has always been afraid to share her work with others believing she wasn’t good enough. One day she woke up and her passion.

Before pursuing her dreams of sharing her knowledge with the world she has had many odd jobs where she has learned about various cultures, religions, topics of interests, and how other people see the world. These jobs are what inspired her to start sharing her work because co-workers, customers, and people that she ran across during lunch breaks or meditation always needed some advice to see a brighter side of things since she always seemed to be happy in a hostile world.

Her blog is a part of “Post A Day,” and “Post A Week.”  Krystle tends to post a new blog at various times in the day. If she hasn’t posted anything, it is because she is living life to continue to share facts and opinions on experiences she has with her readers.

This blog site is full of various topics such as book reviews, nutrition, politics, and a bright side of creative works. She has separated her blog into relevant pages, so wherever you need inspiration or motivation, you can choose a page and read a post from there.

WELCOME TO KRYSTLE’S INSPIRING MIND, and enjoy your adventure through her pages.

P.S – All of the Drawings and some of the photos are done by “KRYSTLE MITCHELL,” Unless stated otherwise…

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